Ganagapur dattatreya(Nirgun Mutt)

Ganagapur dattatreya(Nirgun Mutt)
Padukas of Narasimha Saraswati swami maharaj

About Ganagapur

Shree kshetra Ganagapur is a holy place of Lord Dattatreya and the place is very important “Darshaneeya kshetra”. The place is connected to shree Narasimha Saraswati Swamy who is the second incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. The kshetra importance was explained by Shreeguru and one can be seen in “Shree Gurucharitra”. There is an assurance from Shreeguru that he would forever abide at Ganagapur and go round the village for ‘Biksha’ at 12:00 noon is literally true even today. Offering “maadhukari” to the people at Ganagapur and taking Biksha from atleast 5 houses is having very importance at this holy place. Even today also, the process is continuing and the devotees are having faith that Lord Dattatreya is taking biksha everyday at Kshetra Ganagapur. shree guru shree Narasimha Saraswati Swamy confirmed the same and it can be seen in Gurucharitra Adhyay (chapter) 21-22. At the time of Antardhan, Shreeguru said to the disciples and citizens of Ganagapur as follows.

Vasathi rani sangamase jate nithya bikshese taya vare Gangapurase madyana kala pareyasa

” You need not worry. I shall stay at this Ganagapur kshetra secretly. I shall have bath at the Bheema-Amaraja Sangam river in the morning. In the mid day, I shall come to Ganagapur math and accept Biksha in this village and accept your Pooja, devotional services in this Muth. From the view point of the public, I am going away from this place. My living presence will be experienced by any one who bathes in the Bheema-Amaraja Sangam and takes darshan of my Padukas here. I will receive poojas at this Kshetra in the form of Padukas”. The Padukas of shree guru shree Narasimha Saraswati Swamy at this place are “Nirguna Padukas”

Shreeguru has been blessing his devotees with his divine acts on countless occassions. The aspirations of Datta devotees who worship him at Ganagapur Kshetra with true love, faith and dedication will be fulfilled. The miraculous experiences of such will ever remain hidden in the devotees own hearts. This is true even today also and devotees are getting experiences of Lord Datta’s presence at Ganagapur Kshetra. Mentally retarded people, the people who are suffering from chronic deceases are coming to this place and getting cured from their sad feelings. The trouble of spirits and ghosts vanishes and one can get peace of mind with the darshan of Swamy Padukas at this Kshetra.

Kshetra Darshan

About Sangam Kshetra
Sangam Kshetra is a meeting point of Bheema and Amaraja rivers. Sangam is like Prayaga. The importance of Sangam was explained by Shreeguru and it can be seen in Shree Gurucharitra. Who ever takes a bath in Sangam, he/she will free from his sins and his wishes will be fulfilled. There is a temple in Sangam in which the shree Narasimha Saraswati Swamy performed the anusthana. The `Shella Padukas' of Swamy are here.

Audumbar Tree
The Audumbar tree is situated at the place nearer to Sangama of river Bheema & Amaraja,
In shelter of Audumbar tree many devotees do the Shree Gurucharitra parayana. (Reading of Shree Gurucharitra).

History of Audumbar tree at Sangam Kshetra
Leprosy decease of a Brahmin by name Narahari was cured by shree Guru Narasimha Saraswati Swamy and the story can also see in Shree Gurucharitra. Narahari bowed to Shreeguru and began to pray him at that time. The 8 sloka stotra composed by Narahari was become famous and are being reciting in the temple at night even today also. Each sloka ends with “VANDAYAAMI NAARASIMHA SARASWATHEESHA PAAHIMAAM”. The stotra is now familiar as Narasimha Saraswati ashtaka. Shreeguru blessed Narahari and said, whoever recite the sloka every day with full devotion, they will get ashta aishwarya, spiritual power, wealth, fame and noble offspring

Ash Hill
Ash hill is nearer to Sangam and it is said that there was a hill from which Ash came from the days of Lord Parashurama. Lord Parashurama performed penance at this place. The ash is very powerful and now it is in the form of Mud only. The wearing of ash by mixing with oodi is very powerful and it will protect those persons from DRISHTI doshas. It will protect the children for Baalarishta and Graha dosha. If the ash is applied slightly everyday on the stomach part of pregnant ladies, then they will deliver a healthy child with some "Tejarupa". Several experiences were also observed with this application of the Ash on pregnant ladies.

About shree Kalleshwar
This is the temple of shree Kalleshwar (Shiva) which is quite famous in Ganagapur. It is acent then the Nirgun muth in Ganagapur. It is said that the poet Narahari who used to pray Kalleshwar, once started seeing shree Narasimha Saraswati in Kalleshwara's place. He became a devotee of shree Narasimha Saraswati. This temple is considered as equivalent to Gokarna (that we read in shree Gurucharitra). In this temple the Swayambhu Shani and many temples are situated.

Ashta Teerthas
Below are the names of ashta theertha's
Nrusimha theertha
Sreepaada theertha
Rudrapada theertha
Bagerathi theertha
Paapa Nashaka theertha
Koti theertha
Chakra theertha
Manmatha theertha

The importance of bath in these Ashta teerthas can know from Shree Gurucharitra. Some devotees are taking bath everyday during their stay in Ganagapur and some are taking atleast one time bath during their yatra period. Bath in Ashta teertha's on Naraka chathurdashi (in Diwali) day is very powerful. Even the sins and doshas will be removed by having bath in these Ashta teerthas.


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